Hello, everyone!
It's nice to finally get the chance to see you all in person! Today we will have the opportunity to get to know one another by completing an introduction activity, as well as participate in several group activities. Then, we'll click on the Blogging link and get started on our journey...
We'll start by looking at the various perspectives on technology integration, and give you the opportunity to participate in a role playing activity. Next, we'll look at the importance of standards and analyze how everything that you teach is ultimately determined by them. After that, you'll examine a Google lesson plan or two and see how to actually incorporate technology into your daily learning.
Finally, you'll spend a bit of time looking at the uses of blogs in the classroom and ultimately begin to create your own blog. You'll then use this blog to link to your classmates, post your weekly reflections, and link to your classroom assignments and projects. It will become the storehouse of your experience in this class and will ultimately serve as a valuable portfolio of your technology experience.
Our class time will be full of active learning methods and incorporate a balance of high and low tech approaches. The focus will be on interaction with peers and learning how to problem-solve without the assistance of the instructor. As teachers, you will have to do the same thing- every day, with little or no tech support. When you are ready, watch the video below to get started...
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